Saturday, June 7, 2014

Music-Inspired Side Table

 I'm still working on pieces for a show that's just a week from today so please excuse the 'rough' photos -- not much time for editing!  This table is one of several pieces that were given to me by a friend.  This little table is quite old and was in need of some TLC.  After some sanding, I realized the top was not going to be nice enough as is so decided to decoupage some pages from an old music book over it.

I applied matte finish varnish over it which soaks into the old paper in random spots -- I really like this effect.
The bottom looked too plain with such a detailed top so using graphite paper, I transferred this quote and using a fine brush, painted it onto the bottom shelf, sanded lightly and then used wax to seal it.
A sweet, little side table for a music lover!
Back soon with more makeovers -- hope you are all enjoying the summer -- I'm SO happy to be working OUTside now instead of INside!

1 comment:

  1. Some music lover is going to be humming a happy tune all the way home with this little charmer!


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