Monday, September 14, 2015

Baked Honey Berry Oatmeal

I'm really trying to "embrace" fall this year.  It always makes me sad because I know it means summer is over and winter is on the way.  As part of my "embracing" we went apple and berry picking this past Saturday.  It was a beautiful day out in the country and we came away with a bushel of beautiful apples and baskets of blackberries and raspberries.
 I found this wonderful recipe for Bake Honey Berry Oatmeal at Apple of My Eye's blog and thought I'd give it a try this morning. Since I have to be at work at 7:00 a.m., I prepared the dry ingredients and wet ingredients the night before so all I had to do was assemble and bake.  One note though, I did not melt the butter and add to wet ingredients the night before.  I thought it would solidify in the refrigerator so I melted it and added it before combining everything.
 This is what it looked like before baking.  I decided to save my blackberries for a dinner recipe so I used blueberries with the raspberries.
 The recipe says to bake 15-20 minutes.  Mine was not nearly baked by then so I actually baked it an ADDITIONAL 20 minutes so 40 total.  It came out fully cooked, bubbly and yummy looking!
 It was SO good that we each took a piece with us to work to enjoy for a mid-morning snack.  
 I've tried the "overnight" oatmeals and did not care for the consistency but this baked version is amazing!  The recipe says to serve hot OR cold.  I didn't think I'd like it cold but I did try it and yes, it is indeed good both ways!
 Embracing fall (and my handsome hubby) in the orchard (wink wink) 
So how are YOU embracing the season?  Are you like me -- sad to say goodbye to summer or are you an "all season" person?


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Merci pour le partage de ces magnifiques photos. Tout comme vous j'aime bien aller cueillir les baies sauvages.
    Votre recette me semble succulente. Humm !
    J'ai cueilli la semaine dernière des baies de sureau. J'ai fait de la confiture.
    Hier quelques mûres... Aujourd'hui, s'il ne pleut pas je complèterai ma cueillette !

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. Oh Lauren,
    You and your hubby are such a cute couple. Love the picture. Oh and the baked oatmeal looks yummy. It has been so hot here lately that it still feels very much like summer but I cannot wait for Autumn weather. This is my favorite time of the year, Autumn and Winter, so I always look forward to it. So even though it may still feel like summer I am totally embracing Fall.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  3. Oh, I agree, Lauren, with Ana! You are your DH are adorable! So sweet together! And I just love the first photo of the berries (I could have used that as inspiration for one of my recent cards with berries). And oh my, this recipe looks so yummy. I visited the recipe site and pinned it. I have a major sodium restriction, but I think I could splurge on this sometimes. And, living in South Florida for more than twenty-five years has changed our perspective of the seasons. We have them, but they are far more temperate and not as dramatic. But we do have them. I do love November and March especially here where it is absolutely perfect. Hugs!


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