Saturday, March 29, 2014

Peeps Feeling Blue

 I'm not a fan of EATING peeps (shock!) but when I saw this cute idea on Mommy Savers, I knew I had to try it.
I already had the square vase so I picked up the marbles at the Dollar Tree and a bouquet of white flowers.  Now finding BLUE peep BUNNIES proved to be impossible (I know I'll see them EVERYWHERE in the coming weeks when I don't need them!) so I opted for the blue chicks.
I wasn't sure how they'd work but I have to say that I think their little "smooshed" beaks look kind of cute in a slightly creepy way.
To start I put a small glass in the center of the square vase and then filled in with the marbles.  The peeps went in next and then the flowers.  
I decided to attach a few of the chicks to skewers (MORE torture as if smooshing them into a square vase wasn't bad enough) and add them to the arrangement.
I'll just refill the water in the glass when needed.  I'm thinking that these will just harden up and I'll be able to store and reuse them next year.
There's nary a sign of spring in these parts yet except for a smattering of Robins who are no doubt shaking their beaks wondering if they misread the calendar.
Hopefully it will start to feel like spring soon . . .

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Eileen Is Irish

Eileen loves holidays because like most ladies, she loves to change up her look now and then.  These days she's "wearin' the green" and looking quite lovely I have to say.
Eileen came to live with me last summer -- she was a STEAL at just $25.00 and we've had a lot of fun together ever since. She's named Eileen for a reason -- you can read her story in my original post.
She sits "royally" in my bay window along with my ever-growing collection of vintage office equipment.
A friend gave me two very old date stamps.  I am planning to do a little research on them but they belonged to his father and were used in the early 30's.
 My daughter knows what her mom loves.  She picked up these old pince nez glasses in their original case (the leather pouch they're sitting on.)  They fold up -- so cute!  And they're green so with my tinted green water in the ink bottle, they are perfect for St. Patrick's Day.
 This working Baby Ben clock was my dad's and he recently gave it to  me (he couldn't figure out exactly WHY I'd want such an old thing LOL).
 With continued snow I feel like I should say "Merry Christmas!" but I'll think Spring and wish you all a "Happy St. Patrick's Day!"