Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder -- I've Got It!

I went to Walmart this morning to get two light bulbs for the ceiling fan (which I detest) in my dining room.  

When I got home, I noticed how dirty the globes were so I took them off to wash them.  Then I noticed there were little screw holes in the paddles/blades and I wondered, "Could I take these off and do something to make them look better?".  I went to the garage to get a ladder and noticed the drop cloth I had taken out to cover the floor while I primed a bench I'm re-doing. 

I came in and took the bench outside and gave it one coat of primer.  Seeing the ladder again, I dragged it into the house and spent half an hour trying to remove screws I couldn't see because they were on TOP of the blades.  I started to wash the blades off when I saw the globes I hadn't washed yet.  So I washed them and put them on my place mats on the table which reminded me I was going to spray the place mats I'd made with ScotchGuard so I took them out to the garage (It's stinky stuff!) and then realized once out there I'd forgotten the fan blades AND the ScotchGuard. 

I went into my craft room to get the ScotchGuard and saw my beads and wire and thought, "Hey, maybe I could make some cute fan pulls." so I grabbed that stuff and put it on the table in the kitchen.  

Are you getting the drift now?  Really -- I finally sat down and realized I was just like the lady in this video that a friend of mine posted on her FB page!  I will defend myself slightly though because I DID get the globes washed, the fan blades primed, the pulls started and dinner ready.  When I finish the ugly fan re-do, I'll post pictures. Enjoy the video and see if you don't see yourself in it!


  1. HA HA...I'm afflicted with that problem also! I also have "Sometimers"...it just really stinks getting old don't it??! At least you can say "Mission accomplished"!

  2. Ha! That's funny! And...it's not necessarily age-activated! I'm 31 and this happens to me a lot! I think it's called a "creativity tangent" Ha! :)

    Wanted to let you know that I made one of those Easter prints that you were showing off the other day. Thanks so much for the very clear directions about how to get the Easter picture superimposed on the sheet music, etc. Your directions were very easy to follow and I'm happy with my project. I plan on blogging about it in the next couple of days and I will link back to you...thanks again!


  3. that is hilarious... I was thinking it was the beginnings of "sometimers" age.

  4. Oh...my...gosh. And I thought I was the only one!!!
    Fondly, Tami


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